June 5 – Work Project Summary and Pictures

On Saturday, June 5th Green Bay Trout Unlimited (GBTU) teamed up with the Northern Oconto County Trout Alliance to prepare the Lakewood Trout Rearing Station for 2021 !

The Lakewood rearing station has 28 rearing tanks. Seventeen of them are planned to be used to raise trout this year. They are expecting to receive ~28,000 fingerling browns around the last week of June.

What makes this work day so special is the fish reared here…are going directly into NE Wisconsin’s streams and rivers.

Approximately 18 volunteers came out to clean / sterilize tanks, clean the driveway and fish runs. GBTU was represented by Doug Seidl, Dennis Dugre, Byron Dugre and Matt Norem. Scott Van Lanen was the organizer of the work day (in conjunction with Doug Seidl). There likely would have been more GBTU representation but we also had an educational event and the Wisconsin State TU Meeting the same day.

A huge THANK YOU goes to all the volunteers that made the day ! It is partly because of you all the Northwoods will have a whole lot more out !!

Check out the pictures below (photos courtesy of GBTU’s Doug Seidl and Matt Norem)…

The water running into, and through, the Lakewood Hatchery is a Wisconsin State Fish Refuge
I guess this sign is pretty clear folks should not mess with the fish
Fish runways were in need of cleaning heading into 2021
This pictures shows the creek running into the hatchery
Time to put in the work !
Old tanks looking a little “down and out”
Now this looks a lot better !
Great work guys !!
Before picture of the main building
After picture of the main building…much, much nicer !
Now to enjoy a well-deserved meal !
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