May 7th, Floy Tag Study Lower Oconto River

On May 7th, 2012 several GBTU members, along with DNR Fisheries Biologists, participated in tagging nearly 1100 Brown Trout for release into the Lower Oconto River near Stiles. The purpose is to study fish movement, harvest, growth, and return rate.

Stocking truck arrives and the bucket brigade stands ready

Stocking truck arrives and the bucket brigade stands ready

Dennis moves fish from pens to work station

Dennis moves fish from pens to work station

Fish from truck are loaded into holding pen

Fish from truck are loaded into holding pen

Workstation for measurements and recording of sample

Workstation for measurements and recording of sample

A healthy 11″ brown gets ready for tagging

A healthy 11″ brown gets ready for tagging

Sedated fish – Next patient please

Sedated fish – Next patient please

Tag is implanted on trout’s back

Tag is implanted on trout’s back

Floy Tags in a bunch with serial numbers and contact information

Floy Tags in a bunch with serial numbers and contact information

are brought to recovery pen in river

Tagged trout

Tagged trout are brought to recovery pen in river

Tagged trout are brought to recovery pen in river

The moment of release

The moment of release