June 16th, Mary’s Creek
On June 16th, 2012 Green Bay and Oconto TU chapter members worked on Mary’s Creek that feeds into the upper South Branch of the Oconto. Building on a couple of prior years work, conifer brush bundles salvaged from a spring pond dredging area were placed to rebuild the stream banks and create a meandering current flow beneficial to trout.
Cliff Sebero of Wisconsin DNR updates crew overlooking prior work
Upsteam thigh exercise to work area
Canoe moves upstream past prior work and then to carry bundles to work areas
Stream improvement results of prior years conifer bundle placement
Bundle conifers placed along stake line
Getting the bundles properly angled into the current
Adrian heaves a large conifer bundle
Many hands lighten the work load
Improving on prior years work
That is a long stake line to cover
Filling in another eroded area
Wire anchors hold the bundles to the bank
Tie the bundles together with degradable rope
Nice looking criss-cross rope pattern secures bundles
Making some adjustments to placements for correct stream sediment capture
Days work is done with trying in the last long bundle section – now to let Mother Nature do her thing