July 20th, North Branch Oconto
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On July 20th the weather cooperated for TU members who ventured to the upper North Branch of the Oconto River system near Wabeno. We continued work from two years prior with Tom Moris of the U.S. Forest Service. Fifteen workers installed 225 feet of brush bundles and shoveled sediment cover. Six woody trout covers were installed which improves pool habitat for the trout. Our work on this half-mile has resulted in improved habitat and we are seeing anglers fish this section for the first time in 40 years.

Please follow the signs to project

Brush bundling crew on beautiful day!

Tom Moris giving instructions to crew

Big bend before brush bundles; say it fast 5x

Big bend after brush bundles

Pat Hill anchors crew shovel line on big bend

Big bend half finished

Sediment over brush bundles looking good

Last year’s bundling work with grass taking root!

Small bend started with Harold Becks & Wally Heil

Bend nearing completion of sediment cover and brushing

Workers cutting alders and shoveling sediment

Log Placement: Holes drilled in logs to string cable

More logs need more holes drilled

Jim and Tom display their cabled anchor

Finished cabled and anchored log cover