Cabela’s fly tying crew getting set up
Wayne Czypinski helping new fly tyer
John Rybski instructing young man on tying techniques
Wayne helping Gage with blue Bluegill pattern
Bob Obma overseeing young man tying first fly
Fly tying crew very busy on Saturday March 25th
Jose Diaz getting up to speed on Micky Finn
Bob coaching up Dan and Hunter on Micky Finn
John Rybski working with Bradey on advanced techniques
Devin is now the teacher helping Drake and his grandfather
Al Jamir demonstrating a new fly to Griffen
Jose helping gentleman with a panfish fly
Wayne should be wearing the Superman shirt
Doug Erdmann pops in to twist up a turkey leech
Wayne Czypinski on panfish fly with young man
Devin and Bradey proudly are vendors
Wayne taking it to new level with Pass Lake fly
Jammer finishes off day teaching fly fishing clinic