READ MORE about the August 19th, 2017 work project where 23 members from Green Bay Trout Unlimited (GBTU), Oconto River Trout Unlmited (ORTU), Wolf River Trout Unlimited (WRTU, Marinette Trout Unlimtied (MTU), Fox Valley Trout Unlimited (FVTU) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) teamed up to work on the South Branch of the Oconto river.
South Branch Oconto Work Crew
Mike Schlumpf places tag Alder
John Pyatskowit, Staush Gruszynski and Pat Klatt work as team
What a partially finished bundle of Alder looks like
Doug Seidl working the chainsaw in cutting Alder
Dennis Dugre and Doug Erdmann place cut Alder
Jeff Gross dragging of tag Alder to brush heap
Doug Erdmann detailing a partially finished brush bundle
Mike Renish dragging off Alder to the brush heap
Byron Dugre busting chops gathering brush
Klint Hischke flexing his muscles in dragging off Alder
Brushing crew taking a break admiring finished section
Wally Heil’s grandson Patrick gets into lopping Alder
Wally Heil taking a break for the photographer
Trevor Hinz inspecting work
DJ Loken cutting up tree felled by Andy Killoren
Team Lumberjacks moving felled tree into place
Core work participant Jeff House takes a break
Wayne Czypinski works the saw to cut Alder for Lumberjacks
For whatever reason, butterflies love Staush