Apr 6 – 2023 GBTU BOD Elections
Article written on 2023-03-30 by: Adrian Meseberg

Green Bay Trout Unlimited’s April meeting (or Annual Meeting) is where our membership nominates, and elects, fellow members to fill open leadership seats. This year we all 4 officer positions, two at-large Board of Directors (BOD), three Br Co Conservation Alliance and one WI TU State Council Rep positions open.
I have personally contacted all of the current officers and the current holders of the, soon to be vacant, at-large BOD seats (Dave O and Jose D). All have indicated they are willing to be considered/nominated for re-election.
However, all have also stated they are completely open to letting someone new step into the open roles…particularly the Treasurer and Secretary positions. Both current seat holders have young families and free time can be challenging.
Members can nominate other members or self-nominate.
Below is a little more detail regarding these roles…
Board of Directors:
1) The Board of Directors is responsible for the general supervision of the Chapter’s affairs and finances. Members may introduce items for the Board to consider by submitting such items to the President, either verbally or in written form. The President shall place these requests on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting.
2) The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of 6, and maximum of 11, members which includes the officers (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary) pursuant to Article V, Section 1. Each non-officer Director shall serve a three-year term, with Directors’ terms staggered to provide for continuity (The immediate past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for the term of his or her successor). All Directors shall be current members of Trout Unlimited.
3) The Board of Directors shall meet regularly, but no less than 6 times per year. Upon notice, the meetings of the Board of Directors may be conducted by telephone. The Board of Directors may also act by email vote, provided all members of the Board of Directors are permitted the opportunity to participate and all votes are shown to all Directors and reported in the minutes of the Board of Directors.
Officers: (2-year terms)
President: The President shall serve as general executive officer and shall appoint the chairs of all Chapter committees. The President shall oversee all activities of the chapter and preside at all membership and board meetings.
Vice-President:The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President if the President is absent or unable to perform the President’s duties. The Vice President shall perform the duties assigned by the Board of Directors and the
Treasurer:The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and property of the Chapter. With the President, the Treasurer may sign and execute, in the name of the Chapter, all contracts, agreements and other obligations of the Chapter. When necessary or proper, the Treasurer shall endorse for collection on behalf of the Chapter, all checks, notes, drafts and electronic credits and transfers and shall deposit same and all other revenues to the credit of the Chapter in such bank or banks as the Board of Directors designates.
A) Keep full and accurate accounts of monies received and paid on account of the Chapter, give a financial report at each meeting of the Board of Directors, and whenever required by the Board of Directors, render a statement of the Chapter’s accounts and report to the membership.
B) Submit a complete Annual Financial Report (AFR) for the chapter to Trout Unlimited prior to the deadline set by Trout Unlimited.
Secretary:The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the general membership and keep an accurate and current record of all Chapter memberships. The Secretary shall assist the Treasurer in preparing the AFR form. The Secretary shall send all required notices to members of the Chapter, as required by these bylaws or otherwise. Notice may be in writing or by electronic communication, including fax, electronic mail or by posting on the Chapter’s web-site. The Secretary shall also maintain the correspondence of the Chapter.
Other Open Positions: (1-year terms)
Brown County Conservation Alliance Representative: Green Bay Trout Unlimited has 3 seats on the Brown County Conservation Alliance.
WI TU State Council Chair: Wisconsin State Trout Unlimited typically meets twice/ year. The person in this position would be someone who can represent the chapter at the State meeting and report any important information back to the GBTU BOD.
If you are interested in any of these positions please contact myself, Adrian Meseberg, at (920) 562-6129 / [email protected]…or come on out on April 6th and have someone nominate you, or nominate yourself and we can go from there.