Besadny Open House Oct. 3rd
Article written on 2015-12-29 by: Adrian Meseberg

On October 3rd, the Besadny Anadromous Fish Facility (BAFF) in Kewaunee held its open house.
The event is an excellent opportunity for visitors to watch Chinook salmon spawning and egg collection up close.
It also allows the attendees to get involved with the Adopt-a-Sturgeon program, learn fish anatomy, collect invasive species information, grab something to eat and much more.
This year the Green Bay Chapter of Trout Unlimited (GBTU) joined in the festivities. Paul Kruse, Dave Ostanek, Mike Renish and Adrian Meseberg each showed off their fly tying skills while promoting our chapter’s efforts with the crowds.
While we had a prime place to setup, the weather was not very cooperative. Cold temperatures and high winds made the tying a challenge.
Despite Mother Nature our chapter had at least two representatives at the tent the entire 6 hours (9a-3p).
A big thanks goes to those who helped out…especially Paul who showed off his “iron man” side by staying the entire time. It’s rumored that Paul’s position behind the brick wall helped him escape the 20 mph sustained winds, and associated 15 degree wind chill, while the rest of the tyers braved the stiff breeze out in the open 😉
It was a challenge to keep all the materials from flying into the fish raceway as well !
Engaging in these community outreach events are a great way to get on conservation and TU’s mission on public radar.
Keep checking our website and emails for more upcoming volunteer opportunities.
They are both fun and rewarding !