Brushing Nilemile Aug 15th
Article written on 2015-08-22 by: Lee Meyers

Summary of our August 15 Trout Habitat Project, Ninemile Creek near Langlade
On a hot, muggy day, 25 Trout Unlimited members got together to make trout fishing on the Wolf River and Ninemile Creek a little better in the future.
Many of us are familiar with the Wolf, but few know the Ninemile. This is because it has not been a good trout stream due to impacts from the numerous beaver dams. Likely, it was a good trout producer 40 years ago, before beaver numbers got out of control. Efforts to improve Ninemile have been ongoing for over 10 years starting with the removal of numerous beaver dams that had been clogging and warming Ninemile and contributing to warming of the Wolf River.
Most TU members worked upstream of Hollister Road clearing brush and building 11 bundles that were tied into the wider stream channel sections especially those with eroded banks. This will make the stream flow narrower, deeper and keep water moving toward the Wolf.
The bundles often covered and blocking side channels holding “dead” water, remnants of the past beaver activity, and this water added to the warming effect. Another negative reminder of past beaver dams in this section were the pockets of silt present (notice the very turbid water in most of our photos).
Some of the silt may also be due to the old culvert pipe on Hollister Rd recently replaced by a larger bridge with a natural stream bottom. Our efforts on Saturday will help facilitate the natural flushing of silt from this stream section, and further expose and clean the gravel bottom important to good trout habitat.
A smaller contingent of TU members worked downstream where we had done similar work two years prior. They removed remaining brush stubble and stuffed those into the older bundles that needed a little refurbishing.
Overall, the habitat looked good and the stream sections where alder brush was removed two years ago was replaced by a sedge meadow habitat which will benefit the trout habitat. Notice the grass and sedges on some of the photos from areas previously cleared of alder brush.
A “Big Thank You” to the 25 Trout Unlimited members that pitched in on Saturday, August 15, to make the coldwater resource a little better.
Green Bay Chapter members included Adrian Meseberg, Matt Norem, David Ostanek, Doug Seidl, Lee Meyers, Dennis Dugre and Grandson Connor, Jeff House, Paul Kruse, Mike Renish, Dani Long and Son Izaac.
Oconto Chapter members Tom Klatt and Son Pat, Bob Omba, Byron Dugre, Mike Schlumpf, and Don Wagner. Wolf River Chapter members Andy Killoren, Tim Waters, and cooks Lu Ann Killoren and Linda Anderson.
Jason Fruend was visiting from the SouthEast Chapter and he ran the chain saw quite a bit.
Johanthan Pyatskowit (DNR Biologist) and Son Jon, Jr. helped mark out the bundle locations besides helping with various work efforts.
Check out the Gallery of Photos.