PWH GBTU Kickoff
Article written on 2015-07-19 by: Adrian Meseberg

Teaching a veteran a lifelong skill
Calling all Green Bay Trout Unlimited (GBTU) Members,
During the past several weeks GBTU has been in the process of creating a Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing program (PHWFF). The mission of PHWFF is…
dedication to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings.
After filling the proper paperwork and discussing strategies and approaches we are ready for the next step.
We will be having a mandatory kick-off meeting at the Green Bay VA Hospital on Friday, July 31st (from 11a-noon). The hospital is located at 2851 University Ave, Green Bay, WI. If you would like to help the vets out with the PHWFF Program please contact Paul Kruse at [email protected] or call him at (920) 639-2361.
The plan is to have a couple folks tying flies and another one or two demonstrating casting. It will also be a great chance for chapter volunteers to familiarize themselves with the PHWFF Program and is highly recommended by the PHWFF committee that interested folks attend this event.
This is also an excellent opportunity for VA staff to meet volunteers and for us to evaluate interest before the program is officially launched.
Thanks for your dedication to the coldwater resources of Wisconsin !