GBTU, kids, fly tying and fishing!
Article written on 2015-06-26 by: Adrian Meseberg

On Saturday and Sunday, June 27th and 28th a pair of GBTU members, Dan Simmons and Adrian Meseberg, plus three more volunteers, teamed to up to teach ~ a dozen Green Bay area youth fly tying and fishing.
That Saturday; Dan, Adrian, Bobby Buffington, Mark Ashley and Dave Hoskyn combined to share their knowledge and passion of Wisconsin’s coldwater resources with the Green Bay Community Church of Howard kids.
The weekend get-together was held at Dan’s cabin on the Pike River in Marinette County. Saturday morning Adrian led a fly tying session for the kids (and a volunteer or two 🙂 The fly of choice was Bob Hasse’s Panfish Emu Bugger…in Green Bay Packer colors.
Most kids tied a couple flies, as they wanted to save their first instead of risking it splashing away in the mouth of a fish. They were also very quick to pick up the art. Many were working ahead of the teach the second time around.
Sunday was time to put everything the kids learned to work. Fishing on a small Marinette County Lake, 10 of the 11 kids caught bluegills on the panfish bugger they tied! Later that day 4 kids fished for trout on the Pike River and 3 of them caught brook trout.
A BIG thanks to the volunteers and kids. Passing the love of our natural resources to the next generation is a big part of trout unlimited and it looks like a few more folks may be hooked.