Jan Community Outreach at Cabela’s
Article written on 2016-01-18 by: Michael Renish

On January 16th and 17th, the Green Bay Chapter of Trout Unlimited (GBTU) partnered with Cabela’s Green Bay to hold our first Community Outreach of 2016.
We had several members of GBTU that helped tie flies during the event from 10am – 2pm each day. Those members included Adrian Meseberg, Dave Ostanek, Paul Kruse, Allan Jamir, Jerry Schwan and Mike Renish.
We also had some guest tyers that including Jeff Dierberg, Ryan Nagel and Jerry Schwan. Jeff worked on demoing humongous Musky flies, Ryan worked on several innovative Walleye specific flies and Jerry twisted up many a Panfish fly.
Allan Jamir brought the house down with his gummy bear fly along with his go to Kennedy Assassin Leech.
Brian Mease, Cabela’s fly fishing expert, demoed many a Murdich Minnow as well as his go to Turkey Leech.
We need to thank the new marketing director Nicole Hanley for her kind support of this event. It simply would not have happened without Cabela’s and Nicole’s support.
Admittedly, the attendance was down this weekend because of the Packers and NFL playoff games. With this said, we did enjoy many a tyer and touched several folks with our craft and conservation messages.
All of the tyers contributed to the Wisconsin Trout Unlimited state banquet fly box which was nearly full after the two day event. There is no question that whoever bids and wins that box will enjoy a lot of great flies at a deal of a price.
Thanks to all for helping make this happen !
Please do check out the Gallery of Photos to see everyone in action.