NEW Zoo Covered Bridge Trail Head Sign


Jim Vanden Branden working the drill

The NEW Zoo Covered Bridge Trout Stream Educational Trail Head was installed by Jim Vanden Branden, Jack and Arlene  Koivisto.

We found the late May warmer weather agreeable on April 12 to get this accomplished.

Our team also took an inspection tour of the trail and found it had survived winter/spring pretty well.

We may consider sprucing up the trail sometime in the near future; possibly for our May project.



Jack Koivisto puts on finishing touches

An item for us to tackle still is a re-do of the first sign on the trail to furnish contact information to potential members.

Our BOD should assign the task of creating a tri-fold brochure extolling  GBTU`s   mission statement and activities .

by Jack Koivisto

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