SB 239 / AB 874 Call to Action
Article written on 2016-03-08 by: Adrian Meseberg

The following message is from Wisconsin State TU…
Dear Wisconsin TU Member:
A set of companion bills is currently pending in Wisconsin’s Legislature — SB 239 & AB 874 — that would allow high capacity wells to be moved, rebuilt, repaired, and passed with title all without review. In essence, high capacity wells would be granted perpetual permits.
Virtually no other permit issued by Wisconsin is perpetual.
No one gets a permanent fishing license. No one gets a permanent driver’s license.
It is common sense that high capacity wells should be no different.
Wisconsin TU has long called for all high capacity wells to periodically reviewed. Doing so will ensure that all user group’s know the impact that high capacity wells are having on ground and surface waters, and will ensure that high capacity wells will be operated in a manner such that all of the billions of dollars of economies that depend on them will have certainty, and will be maintained.
In short, having periodic review is good for Wisconsin, good for our citizens, good for our waters, and good for our economy and the jobs that water supports.
Here’s how you can help.
FIRST, please call your legislators today and tell them VOTE NO ON SB 239 and AB 874. You can find your representatives’ contact information by clicking here, and using the “Find My Legislators” link in the upper right corner.
SECOND, please contact the members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Small Business, and Tourism, and tell them NOT TO SCHEDULE SB 239 for an Executive Vote. You can find contact information for the members of the committee by clicking here.
Be sure to tell any representative you talk to that:
- SB 239 & AB 874 are too controversial to be considered in their current form, and that they need to be re-worked to make sure that all user groups have certainty.
- SB 239 & AB 874 could cause harm to billions of dollars of economies — from agriculture, to businesses, to sportsmen, to municipal water supplies — and as a result they should not be advanced.
- SB 239 & AB 874 will lock future generations in to permits which were issued using antiquated science, and only kick-the-can down the road when it comes to water issues.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ACTION, and thank you for all that you do for Wisconsin TU.