TU at Oshkosh Fish Expo
Article written on 2016-02-14 by: Michael Renish

On February 12th, 13th and 14th, Trout Unlimited chapters from around Oshkosh participated in the Oshkosh Fish Expo at the Sunnyview Expo Center just north of Oshkosh.
The Green Bay Chapter of Trout Unlimited had Adrian Meseberg, Dave Ostanek and Mike Renish attending the event tying up Micky Finns, Wooly Buggers, Deer Hair Beetles and other patterns. Tom Lager from Fox Valley Trout Unlimited attended on Friday and Mike San Dretto from Central Trout Unlimited manned the tables on Sunday (Valentine’s Day) !
We’d like to thank Cabela’s Green Bay Nicole Hanley for inviting us to the event and Gordy Pagel for setting us up in the Expo Center itself.
It is our hope that we can spring board off this event and make next year even better. Admittedly, we were kind of in reaction mode, but in the end we pulled it off.
Thanks to all for their hard work.
Please do check out the Photos in our Gallery.