Feb 21, 2019 GBTU Banquet
Article written on 2019-02-19 by: Adrian Meseberg

Join us on Thursday, February 21st, 2019 for our 44th annual conservation banquet! Funds raised stay in our local area for trout habitat improvement and youth outdoor education. Help GBTU accomplish our mission to conserve, protect, restore, and reconnect our communities and the cold water resources throughout northeastern Wisconsin.
This year’s event will be another fun-filled evening. We will have an excellent dinner and incredible prizes. Our banquet features door prizes, 50/50 raffle, bucket raffle, silent auction, live auction and much more. CLICK HERE to find a list of this year’s live auction items.
When: February 21st, 2019
Where: Stadium View Banquet Hall
Time: Doors open at 5:00p, Dinner at 6:30p
Tickets Purchasing:
Any questions about ticket information or other sponsorship opportunities, please call Dave Ostanek at 920.362.6997. Ticket will be available during our February 7th meeting at Townline Bar and Grill. More information on this meeting can be found on our website. Tickets are also going to be available for purchase at Stadium View the night of the banquet.
Ticket Prices and Sponsorships:
- Individual, $40 per ticket
- Table of 8, $280 – Essentially buy 7 tickets get one free
- Contributor, $100 – Also receive 1 banquet ticket
- Contributor (Item Donation) – 1 banquet ticket for each $100 of merchandise
- Bronze, $200 – 2 banquet tickets
- Silver, $350 – 4 banquet tickets and 50 bucket raffle tickets
- Gold, $500 – 6 banquet tickets and 75 bucket raffle tickets
- Platinum, $1000 – 8 banquet tickets and 100 raffle tickets
All donations plus Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum sponsors are recognized on our banquet program, placemat, and website.