The planning for the New Zoo Educational Trout Trail started in 1992. Installation started in 1993 and was completed by 1994.
Lee Meyers was assigned as the “technical” trout habitat advisor from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). He worked with Bob Heim, of Green Bay Trout Unlimited (GBTU), who had the impetus for the trail. Bob was lead project leader and Lee was the DNR consultant helping determine what types of displays and signage would make sense on the trout trail. the summer of 1993 with the covered bridge going up the summer of 1994. Hank Mancheski was the lead carpenter that helped build the covered bridge from scratch. The bridge helps attract folks to walk through and ultimately end up at the trail head. Check out the NEW Zoo Trout Educational Trail Gallery.
GBTU had to obtain proper DNR water zoning permits as well as approval from the Brown County parks department – who own the property. These permits were required in order to do any modifications or additions to the stream channel (i.e. all the in-water displays). Coordination with team from the Wild Rose trout habitat crew, to obtain the materials (logs, stone, brush bundles and sediment.) to build the bank cover, rip rap, half logs, sand trap and wing deflectors, as well as the The Reforestation Camp crew who constructed the crushed stone walking trail that meanders along with the creek.
Haller’s Creek was added the DNR stocking quotes to help provide a put and take fishing relatively close to Green Bay.
Jack Koivisto, a Green Bay Southwest Highschool art teacher, was instumental in developing the artwork for all of the signs located on the trail.
Another note of interest is 2 or 3 years after completion of the NEW Zoo Trout Educational Trail, Lee lead a group of Minnesota DNR trout specialists on a tour of the Hallers Creek display afterward the decided to plan and install a similar “working” education display along a stream in downtown Minneapolis.
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