GBTU Raffling Handcrafted Bamboo Fly-Rod
Article written on 2020-02-07 by: Adrian Meseberg

Green Bay Trout Unlimited is raffling a handcrafted bamboo fly rod !
This beautiful piece is a creation of our Veteran’s Service Partnership leader, Gary Gillis. It’s estimated value is ~$1200. Tickets are only $10 and should be available at our January and February guest speaker meetings as well as at our 45th Annual Conservation Banquet on Thursday, February 20th.
Details are as follows…
Bamboo Fly Rod
- Tonkin Cane
- 7 ft., 4 wt., 2 piece, 2 tips
- Handcrafted and Donated by Gary Gillis
- Tickets for the drawing are $10.00 each
- Drawing will be held February 20th, 2020 at the Green Bay Trout Unlimited 45th Annual Conservation Banquet
- To be held at: Stadium View; 1963 Holmgren Way Green Bay, WI 54304
- Banquet tickets, $40 each
Thank you for all you do for the coldwater resources of Northeast Wisconsin !!
Filed Under: fundraising