Aug 17 – Work Project #4 Summary & Pics
Article written on 2024-08-25 by: Adrian Meseberg

For this workday we broke into two groups to install brush bundles on Long Creek. The creek flows out of Long Lake which is a large spring pond in Langlade County.
The brush bundles we pre-made using a “Christmas tree bundler.” This is a piece of equipment designed to compact the trees in such a way to make them easier to transport and install into the stream banks. Once the bundles are secured along the shoreline they will collect sediment and eventually become part of the stream bank. The purpose of brush bundling is to narrow the waterway. The water through here flows faster, This helps wash away sediment from the bottom. The stream is ultimately deepened as well.
THANK YOU to the TU volunteers and WI DNR staff who made it a great day !!
Below is a list of the volunteers and DNR staff that made the work day a success:
- Green Bay TU (GBTU):
- Doug Seidl, Pat Hill, Jon Ostanek, Jeff House, Byron Dugre, Dennis Dugre, & Paul Kruse
- Oconto River TU:
- Wayne Czypinski & Pat Klatt
- Wolk River TU:
- Jon Graverson
- Antigo TU:
- Mitch Bent
- Kessandra Lueck (DNR Lead), Wyatt Evans, Matt Breen, Jacob Meisler, Tyler Hoffman
Below are work day pictures: