May 21 – Work Project Summery and Pics
Article written on 2022-05-16 by: Adrian Meseberg

The following Prairie River work project summary comes courtesy of GBTU work project chair, Paul Kruse…
“On May 21st 13 TU members from 4 different chapters (Green Bay,Oconto River,Northwoods and Wisconsin River Valley planted 1500 trees on the banks of the Prairie River north of Gleason under the tutelage of Taylor Curran, DNR fisheries biologist out of the Antigo Service Center. That left 500 trees for the DNR crew to plant on the Monday after our project. The group of 13 TU volunteers and 3 DNR personnel (Taylor Curran, Clach Waters, and Preston Fischer) planted 1500 River Birch, Sugar Maple, Eastern Hemlock, White Pine and Tamarack. This area in 2021 was the site of an extensive habitat project involving dredging point bars and deep meandering holes with a back hoe. It is 3000 feet downstream from last years tree planting. The only finishing touch left was to get trees started on the banks and point bar islands. A shout out of thanks goes to John Meachen of the Wisconsin River Valley TU for the fine lunch of grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and Wenzels brats.
Pat Hil, Harold Becks and Yours Truly were the only ones to show up from the Green Bay Chapter.
Our next work project is June 18th on Beaver Creek doing the walk in trails for fishermen.”
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Kruse
GBTU Habitat Coordinator
500 Saint Jude St
Green Bay,WI 54303
(920) 639-2361
Check out some of the work day photos below…