Fly-Tying with GB Southwest H.S.
Article written on 2016-04-14 by: Adrian Meseberg

On March 30th and 31st, plus April 5th and 6th, Green Bay Trout Unlimited volunteers stopped by Green Bay Southwest High School to aid students in learning how to tie flies.
Things got started when Green Bay Southwest High School Agri-Science teacher Tom Sebranek emailed the chapter asking if we would be able to lend a helping hand teaching his students how to twist some bugs.
From there, Green Bay Trout Unlimited Education chair Dave Ostanek stepped in to fine tune the details.
Finally we were able to round up volunteers Gary Gillis, Mike Renish and Adrian Meseberg. It was now time for action.
Tom’s class consisted of ~15 students; both boys and girls. Over the four day period students tied wooly buggers and mickey finns. The young tiers did a terrific job with many receiving high grades from their instructor.
On Tuesday and Wednesday April 26th and 27th GBTU will be returning to Green Bay Southwest High School to rejoin Mr. Sebranek and his students. This time we will be helping them learn fly-casting.
More to come.