Feb 2 – 2022-23 Guest Speaker #3
Article written on 2023-01-18 by: Adrian Meseberg

In the Spring/Summer of 2019, GBTU partnered with several groups to help better connect the North Branch of Beaver Creek.
This project was a road/stream removal/replacement effort at 25th Road. The leader was Peshtigo DNR Fisheries Biologist, Christopher “Chip” Long. GBTU donated $5000. Beaver Creek is a class I trout stream with some big fish.
Chip will talk with us about the entire project from start to finish. It will be a good look into everything that needs to happen to pull of a project of this scale. He would have joined us a couple years ago but, of course, we were dealing with Covid. Chip will also have answers to any questions folks may have regarding the fishery itself.
Below are a before and after picture of the project. The February 2nd meeting details are below the pics.

- Date: Thursday, February 2nd
- Time: 5:30p – BOD meeting / 7p – Guest Speaker
- Location: Village Grille, 801 Hoffman Rd, Green Bay, WI 54301 (CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE MAP)
- Speaker: Christopher “Chip” Long – WI DNR Fisheries Biologist, Peshtigo Office
- Title: Road/stream crossing removal/replacement project on the North Branch of Beaver Creek
- Extras: Free Food, Soda and Door Prizes !
- Questions: Please contact GBTU President Adrian Meseberg – [email protected] / (920) 562-6129
(While the 5:30p BOD meeting is for participation by the Board, it is open to anyone who would like to attend)
We can’t wait to see you there !!