Sept 9 – Women’s Outdoor Workshop Summary and Pics
Article written on 2023-09-18 by: Adrian Meseberg

Below is a message from Green Bay Trout Unlimited Education Chair, Dave Ostanek:
What a great time had by all . . . from the women who participated in the workshop to the GBTU volunteers that helped out.
We are talking about the 24th Annual Women’s Outdoor Workshop at the Outagamie Conservation Club on Saturday, September 9. This is an event designed to get women outdoors and teach them new skills to further their interest in being out there. This is the second time in 5 years that Green Bay Trout Unlimited was involved with the program and we had a great time. The women (limited to the first 100) chose 6 of 11 events to do on that Saturday and spent about an hour at each workshop. GBTU’s workshop was fly tying and fly casting. We taught the women the process of fly tying and they all tied up their own “mop fly”. While some were doing the tying, others were learning the nuances of the fly cast. Then, to finish off the workshop, the participants fished in the ponds casting the same type of fly they just tied to catch a variety of fish. We held four, one hour workshops that averaged 8 women in each. None of our participants had ever had a fly fishing experience and were so excited to be successful in catching fish with a fly rod.
Some of the other workshops the participants chose from were: archery, trap shooting, pistol shooting, canning, nature’s edible walk, campfire cooking, mosaic garden stakes, and a bluebird house project.
We had such a great time and look forward to being invited back. A special thanks to our Green Bay Trout Unlimited members who came out to volunteer: Pam VanErman, Doug Siedl, Adrian Meseberg, and Dave Ostanek”
Check out the pictures below: