
Green Bay Trout Unlimited News

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Measuring Results

Measuring Results

One way we can show that we’ve improved habitat is to take before and after measures of how fast and how much water flows in a stream.

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Where Have All the Trout Gone ?

In a county once known for its clear trout streams and rivers, all of Kewaunee County’s three rivers – the East Twin, Ahnapee and Kewaunee – are now on the EPA’s Impaired Waters list. What happened ?

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GBTU’s First Guest Speaker – Tim Waters

Come and join us Thursday, October 1st for our first program of the meeting season. Tim Waters will share decades of experience fishing one of America’s top 100 trout waters, the Wolf River and it’s tributaries.

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Call to Action on Land Sale

Call to Action on Land Sale

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has released a list of 118 parcels of land which are currently being reviewed for possible sale. Please read this Call To Action !

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Upcoming GBTU Meeting Schedule

After a fantastic summer of work projects, trout fishing and more…the GBTU meeting season is upon us. We have some great guest speakers, important decisions to make and more…

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