GBTU Starts Work Project Season
Article written on 2015-05-22 by: Lee Meyers

Things look a little brighter out at our Trout Education Display Trail at the Reforestation Camp along Haller’sCreek (across from the NEW Zoo).
Mike Renish, Jack Kovistio, Paul Mongin, and Lee Meyers spent 6 hours on Thursday May 21 painting the Covered Bridge that marks the start of our Education Trail.
Green Bay Trout Unlimited put in the education trail, including building the covered bridge,at Haller’s Creek over 20 years ago and it is estimated that is the last (first) time it was painted.
The paint job was much needed and really makes the trail look brighter and newer. We got the ends painted (which are most visible) but the sides could still use a little help.
Chances are we will likely do one more painting day in nearfuture.
Over the last several years, with a help from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, we have helped stock “keeper-sized” Brown trout in Haller’s Creek.
This year the Wisconsin DNR stocked ~500 brown trout in Haller’s Creek from the lower ponds all the way up to the end of the trail.
A BIG thanks to Mike, Jack, Paul and Lee for their efforts on this project. Well done gentlemen!
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