DNR Stocks Trout in Haller Creek
Article written on 2023-05-07 by: Adrian Meseberg

As most of us know, there really isn’t any trout fishing really close to the city of Green Bay. The nearest we have is the put-and-take fishery at Haller Creek. For many years this waterway, across from the NEW Zoo (in the Brown County Reforestation Camp), has been stocked by the DNR with hundreds of trout.
Once again the DNR has delivered.
On May 2nd the DNR released 383 yearling brown trout into Haller Creek. The fish average 9.1 inches. This provides an excellent opportunity for trout people to catch trout in our area. Furthermore, this is an excellent chance to have kids catch trout. I was out there on Sunday, May 7th and there were plenty of open stretches on the creek where kids can easily access the water.
GBTU helped the DNR with Haller Creek trout scatter-stocking in 2015 and 2016. This year we were in contact with Green Bay DNR Biologist, Jason Breeggemann, regarding doing it once again. Unfortunately, between the hatchery truck having issues, and my (Adrian Meseberg) overlooking one of Jason’s emails, we missed the chance to help. We will be ready to lend a hand to Jason and the DNR in 2024 !!
If you make it out to Haller Creek, make sure you take a few moments to check out the GBTU Trout Trail signs (called “Trout Tails”). There are currently six in the ground with a goal to put at least another six in the ground this summer.
Thank you for all you do for our coldwater resources !!!