May 23 – TIC Trout Release in Haller’s Creek
Article written on 2023-05-31 by: Adrian Meseberg

You be hard-pressed to find a more impressive group of young people like the Lombardi Middle School FFA.
For the second year in a row, the group used the Trout-in-the-Classroom (TIC) program…sponsored by TU and funded by Green Bay Trout Unlimited (GBTU)…to hatch, raise, and ultimately stock trout into Brown County’s Haller’s Creek.
GBTU BOD member, and Lombardi Middle School FFA advisor, Carla Zimmerman first worked with TU to bring Trout-in-the-Classroom to her school around 3-4 years ago. Beginning last year they partnered with the DNR to stock the trout they raise into Haller’s Creek.
On Tuesday, May 23rd the Lombardi Middle School FFA members and Carla Zimmerman were joined by Green Bay DNR Fisheries Biologist, Jason Breeggemann, Green Bay Fisheries Mel, a few GBTU members and channel 5 news to help the fish enter their new home.
You could tell everyone there was impressed with the efforts of the Lombardi FFA. They did an outstanding job running the TIC program this year. Trout are not an easy fish to care for as they need a particular temperatures, oxygen levels, and more. These FFA members really knocked it out of the park. Well done !!
Check out some of the day in the pictures below…