Upcoming GBTU Meeting Schedule

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Upcoming GBTU Meeting Schedule

After a fantastic summer of work projects, trout fishing and more...the GBTU meeting season is upon us. We have some great guest speakers, important decisions to make and more...

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PWH GBTU Kickoff

On Friday, July 31st, 2015 Green Bay Trout Unlimited ( GBTU ) is kicking off Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing ( PHWFF ) and needs volunteers.

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Dave helping sisters tie their first fly. Boring....

Edison Middle School fly clinic

GBTU member, Dave Ostanek, led an outdoor pursuits class at Edison Middle School this summer. With the help of a couple GBTU volunteers he excited dozens of next generation trout fishermen/women.

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GBTU, kids, fly tying and fishing!

On Saturday June 27th and Sunday 28th a pair of GBTU members, Dan Simmons and Adrian Meseberg, plus three more volunteers, teamed to up to teach ~ a dozen Green Bay area youth fly tying and fishing.

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Folks getting in line to get eats

GBTU Chapter Picnic Summary !

Thursday, June 4th Green Bay Trout Unlimited held our annual chapter picnic. It was a beautiful day, excellent food and a group of wonderful individuals!

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WI TU plates ON SALE !

Wisconsin TU license plates are ON SALE ! The plates feature a native WI brook trout and were designed by Neal Aspinall.

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2015 GBTU Work Schedule

The 2015 GBTU work project schedule is set. We have 4 stream/river restoration days plus Kids' Fishing Day.

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