2014-Jun-4 Dredging of Hemlock Springs

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2014-Jun-4 Dredging of Hemlock Springs

On June 4th, the WDNR launched " the Dredge " into Hemlock Spring Pond. These ponds were created by the last glacier and the original ponds were much deeper and colder.

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Bill Holton cleaning educational signs

2014-May-17 Trout Trail Cleanup

On May 17th, 2014, GBTU members embarked on the first work project of the year and cleaned up the Trout Educational Trail across from the NEW Zoo.

Read more about " 2014-May-17 Trout Trail Cleanup ".

Randy Rake working with little lady

2014-Mar-1 Cabelas Community Outreach

On March 1st and 2nd, GBTU and Cabela's teamed up to hold a fly tying clinic. TU members that helped with the instruction included Paul Kruse, Winston Ostrow, Linn Beck, Bob Obma, Randy Rake, Adrian Meseberg and Mike Renish.

Read more about " 2014-Mar-1 Cabelas Community Outreach ".

2013-Jul-10 Kids Fishing Day

Green Bay Trout Unlimited, Brown County Social Services and the Izaak Walton League arrange for children to enjoy a day of fishing in a relaxing natural environment away from the stress of daily life.

Read more about " 2013-Jul-10 Kids Fishing Day ".

2013-May-8 Floy Tagging

On May 8th 2013, chapter members assisted the DNR in floy-tagging 1,000 brown trout that ranged from 10-16 inches in length. The tagged fish were then released into the lower Oconto river.

Read more about " 2013-May-8 Floy Tagging ".

2013-Mar-5 Junior Ikes

On March 5th, 2013 members participated in a Saturday morning introduction to fly fishing in co-operation with the Brown Co. Izaak Walton League and their children's Jr. Ikes program. Instructors and kids enjoyed casting and fly tying.

Read more about " 2013-Mar-5 Junior Ikes ".