
Green Bay Trout Unlimited News

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Apr 4: 2023-24 Guest Speaker #4

Apr 4: 2023-24 Guest Speaker #4

Interested in learning how you can save money while helping the environment?
Our next speaker, Casey Hicks, will unlock savings included in the Inflation Reduction Act

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Feb 15: 48th Conservation Banquet

Feb 15: 48th Conservation Banquet

If you are looking to have a great time while supporting an incredible local conservation organization, the GBTU 48th Annual Conservation Banquet is fast approaching. Tickets are available NOW !

We can’t wait to see you there !

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Feb 1: 2023-24 Guest Speaker #3

Feb 1: 2023-24 Guest Speaker #3

The driftless area of WI went from an incredible trout fishery, to being nearly destroyed, back to the world-class trout fishery we know today.
Dave Vetrano, was a key player in the area’s incredible revival. He will share his story, the history of driftless trout, & what lies ahead.

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Dec 18: VSP Xmas Ornaments

Dec 18: VSP Xmas Ornaments

On Monday, December 18th our area Veteran’s tied some lovely flies and made them into some really impressive Christmas ornaments. Great job everyone !!

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Thank You Veterans !!

Thank You Veterans !!

If you are a veteran, or a would like to help community veteran’s learn about fly tying/fishing, consider coming out to our Veteran’s Service Partnership.

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