
Green Bay Trout Unlimited News

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2022-23 Year-in-Review

2022-23 Year-in-Review

2022-23 was another incredible year for our organization and supporters.

Check out the impressive breakdown in this article!!

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Apr 6 – 2023 GBTU BOD Elections

Apr 6 – 2023 GBTU BOD Elections

This year GBTU has six open BOD (four officer & two at-large), three Br Co Conservation Alliance, and one WI State Council Rep seats.

Learn more about these exciting roles!

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March 2 – 2022-23 Guest Speaker #4

March 2 – 2022-23 Guest Speaker #4

Taylor started his fisheries career as a WI DNR Limited-Term Employee, funded by TU, in 2012. Over 10 years later he is joining us to talk trout restoration efforts in Lincoln and Langlade Counties.

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April 13 – 47th Conservation Banquet

April 13 – 47th Conservation Banquet

Due to kitchen renovations at Stadium View, we have moved our 47th Annual Conservation Banquet to Thursday, April 13th.

We will have an incredible number and variety of prizes, great food, lots of different raffles and much more. Expect nothing but the best from our banquet !!

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