July 29 – Kid’s Fishing Day

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July 29 – Kid’s Fishing Day

GBTU has been part of this incredible event for over 30 years. We are looking for volunteers to help continue making GB area kids' days a little brighter !!

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Kid's Fishing Day posse

July 13th, 2016 KFD

Kids' Fishing Day ( KFD) 2016 was held on July 13 in partnership with GBTU, Brown County Services PALS program, Green Bay Exchange Club, and the IWL.

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Rob Zeratsky with Happy Youngster

Kids’ Fishing Day Summary

GBTU, the PALS Program, the Izaak Walton League, Thrivent Financial, Festival Foods and the Green Bay exchange club joined forces to help 65-70 Brown County Kids enjoy an afternoon of fishing, food and fun.

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Jack and crew rigging up poles

2014-Jul-9 Kids Fishing Day

For the 23rd year, Green Bay Trout Unlimited participated in the sponsoring the Kids Fishing Event at the Izaak Walton Environmental Center ponds and shelter. Around 70 kids showed up this year !

Read more about " 2014-Jul-9 Kids Fishing Day ".