
Green Bay Trout Unlimited News

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Kids’ Fishing Day Summary

Kids’ Fishing Day Summary

GBTU, the PALS Program, the Izaak Walton League, Thrivent Financial, Festival Foods and the Green Bay exchange club joined forces to help 65-70 Brown County Kids enjoy an afternoon of fishing, food and fun.

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Edison Middle School fly clinic

Edison Middle School fly clinic

GBTU member, Dave Ostanek, led an outdoor pursuits class at Edison Middle School this summer. With the help of a couple GBTU volunteers he excited dozens of next generation trout fishermen/women.

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GBTU, kids, fly tying and fishing!

GBTU, kids, fly tying and fishing!

On Saturday June 27th and Sunday 28th a pair of GBTU members, Dan Simmons and Adrian Meseberg, plus three more volunteers, teamed to up to teach ~ a dozen Green Bay area youth fly tying and fishing.

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Brushing on S. Br. Oconto June 20th

Brushing on S. Br. Oconto June 20th

We completed our second work project, clearing tag Alders and brush bundling on the South Branch of the Oconto June 20th, with only a light rain falling toward the end the morning.

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GBTU Work Project #2

GBTU Work Project #2

On Saturday, June 20th Green Bay Trout Unlimited will be holding our second work project of the season. We will be brushing a stretch of the Upper South Branch Oconto River.

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GBTU Chapter Picnic Summary !

GBTU Chapter Picnic Summary !

Thursday, June 4th Green Bay Trout Unlimited held our annual chapter picnic. It was a beautiful day, excellent food and a group of wonderful individuals!

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Fix this budget NOW !

Fix this budget NOW !

Fix This Budget Now committee is holding a rally on the Fox river Trail on Tuesday May 26 at 5 pm. It begins at Voyageur Park and end at the Allouez Boat Landing behind Dairy Queen.

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