May 18 – Work Project #1 Summary & Pics

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May 23 – TIC Trout Release in Haller’s Creek

The Lombardi Middle School’s FFA brought their Trout-in-the-Classroom (TIC) program full-circle by stocking the trout they raised into Haller’s Creek (they also made the channel 5 news...outstanding) !!

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Stocking Haller Creek April 30th

DNR Stocks Trout in Haller Creek

The Wisconsin DNR continues to help provide a trout fishery close to Green Bay by stocking hundreds of trout in Haller Creek once again !

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Lombardi Middle School – TIC

The kiddos at Lombardi Middle school had a valuable learning experience as they successfully hatched, raised and released trout into Haller Creek !

Read more about " Lombardi Middle School – TIC ".

May 21 – Work Project Summery and Pics

In 2021 GBTU teamed with some of our sister Chapters, and the WI DNR, to plant >1,000 trees on the Prarie River. This year we did even better, planting 1,500 !!

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